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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Safety vests help reduce risk to researchers conducting field work

Many research programs in CALS conduct some form of field work – but the safety of individuals conducting that field work can be compromised when they are not recognized as scientific researchers. These risks are even higher for individuals who identify as minorities based on race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, gender identify, and/or religion.

To help identify Cornell researchers at field sites, the Cornell Store now has safety vests available for sale which can be ordered directly to your department using single sign on and an account number for purchase:

Information about additional strategies to ensure the safety of at-risk individuals in the field can be found on the CALS Diversity & Inclusion website and in an article in Nature Ecology & Evolution, written by CALS graduate students Amelia-Juliette Demery and Monique Pipkin. Cost of each vest is $19.99.

torso in yellow vest

torso with yellow vest

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